Film in Hospital granted another two years by Creative Europe MEDIA!


Unique films, generating more film literacy for children in hospitals  throughout Europe!

In May 2022, European MEDIA funds approved the international Film in Hospital project for two more years. Thanks to this approval, Film in Hospital can keep striving to grant ill children in hospitals and revalidation centers access to exclusive, festival-quality films and educational materials. The 6 European partners* are happy to continue providing these children and youngsters with (film) culture. That is their fundamental right. 


The Film in Hospital platform

The main goal of Film in Hospital continues to be: to give ill children in hospitals and revalidation centers access to exclusive quality films and grant them the experience of an international film festival.  The selection of films on the platform complements the commercial VOD platforms, available DVDs onsite, and free internet content. But Film in Hospital offers more. The platform’s content is accompanied by for example:

  • educational material
  • quizzes at the end of the films 
  • introductions to films with cast & crew
  • a voting platform to act as festival jurymembers
  • links to applications that explore or enforce the film experience even further
  • possibilities to rate the movies or leave comments on the film pages


The Film in Hospital goals

With the approval of the European MEDIA funds, the project can consolidate and consequently ensure consistent quality of film education, structured guided audience development, and fostering European values and uniqueness through AV culture. Film in Hospital wants to go even further these next two years by defining general criteria for a concept of selecting ‘Responsible AV Engaging content’.  The concept considers the creative, technical, and formal aspects of selecting and creating films and extra materials. It does so by specifying the characteristics of age groups, being respectful of gender differences, and considering the peculiarities of each of the different European territories’ cultural and economical backgrounds, emphasizing the European linguistic and cultural diversity and richness.  Furthermore, the content on the platform will be upgraded with heritage titles to improve understanding of European film history and common European history, connecting generations with shared movie experiences and enriching young audiences with different approaches to storytelling. 


The Film in Hospital history

The initial project started in Belgium over ten years ago, but was internationally launched in 2017 when Sedmi Kontinent , BUFF and JEF created three national platforms dedicated to film screenings and audience engagement for children at hospitals. In 2020, three new partners joined the project: Il Nuovo Fantarca, Pack Màgic, and Kinodvor. Since then, these six national platforms represent a valuable digital distribution of selected quality European Children’s films for young audiences in hospitals with limited access to pleasure and relaxation.