The Film in Hospital experience: A research on methods for engaging young audiences in health-care structures
Il Nuovo Fantarca (Italian partner) and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ran in 2022/2023 a research activity aimed at investigating the main elements of the Film in Hospital experience in order to provide each partner of the project with useful indicators to optimise the composition of the catalogue of titles on the platform.
To this aim, the research project identified the following objectives:
1) Survey the general conditions of the experience of viewing audiovisual products on the platform.
2) Identify the elements that qualify the fruition of audiovisual products on the platform from the point of view of its functions and capacity for involvement.
3) Relate these qualifying elements to the titles and, more generally, to the entire catalogue offered by the platform.
Are you interested in reading the full research report? Click in the tab ‘research’ and download the full report.